Mã màu thập lục phân #b5ae9f là 1 trong những medium light dung nhan thái của yellow. Trong mô hình màu #b5ae9f bao hàm 70.98% đỏ, 68.24% xanh lá và 62.35% xanh lam. Trong không khí màu HSL #b5ae9f có sắc độ là 41° (degrees), 13% độ bão hòa và 67% độ sáng. Màu này có bước sóng giao động là 575.97 nm.Các trở nên Thể Màu
Đã hòn đảo ngược#4a516025% đã bão hòa#b8af9c
Thang độ xám#aaaaaa / #aaa25% sáng hơn#d9d6d0Nguyên Bản#b5ae9f25% buổi tối hơn#948c7cweb-safe: silver#c0c0c025% không được bão hòa#b3ada1HTML: darkgray#a9a9a9Các màu Được Đặt Tên bao gồm Liên Quan
Liên quan liêu Nhất
Kaki#c3b091Nâu tanin#d2b48cXám#bebebe
Bạc#c0c0c0Cá hồi#ff8c69
Liên quan Tương Đối
Lan tím#da70d6Xanh crôm#40826dVòi voi#df73ff
Oải hương#b57edc
Liên quan liêu Xa
Lam sẫm#000080Chàm#4b0082Xanh thủy tinh#003399 / #039Nâu sẫm#3d2b1fTía#6a0dad
Lược Đồ Phối Màu
Tải Xuống:
Các màu Đơn Sắc
#948d7f#9f9889#aaa394#b5ae9f#c0b9aa#ccc5b5#d8d0c1Sắc Nhạt và Sắc Đậm
#b5ae9f thành trắng
#b5ae9f#c1bbae#cdc8be#dad6ce#e6e3de#f2f1ee#ffffff / #fff#b5ae9f thành đen
#b5ae9f#948f83#757067#57544d#3a3834#201f1d#000000 / #000Loại SơnLoại tô Tương Tự
★ Stone Walkway QE-35#b4ae9f ΔE = 0.352 / LRV ≈ 42.5%Resene
★ Half Napa Y76-014-081#b4ad9e ΔE = 0.37 / LRV ≈ 42.1%AMC
★ Arlington Gray#b4aea0 ΔE = 0.503 / LRV ≈ 42.5%JPMA
★ E 25-70B#b4ae9e ΔE = 0.558 / LRV ≈ 42.4%Cloverdale Paint
★ Homespun Linen / 8465#b6afa1 ΔE = 0.565 / LRV ≈ 43.2%Rodda Paint
★ Homespun Linen 8465#b6afa1 ΔE = 0.565 / LRV ≈ 43.2%Zoffany
★ Taupe#b6ad9e ΔE = 0.715 / LRV ≈ 42.3%Taubmans
★ Foxdale / T160-5#b4afa0 ΔE = 0.718 / LRV ≈ 42.9%ISOMAT
★ IST 036-03#b6ad9d ΔE = 0.795 / LRV ≈ 42.3%Scib Paints
★ Homespun Linen / 8465#b3ac9e ΔE = 0.816 / LRV ≈ 41.6%Berger
★ Homespun Linen / 8465#b3ac9e ΔE = 0.816 / LRV ≈ 41.6%Vista Paint
★ Homespun Linen#b3ac9e ΔE = 0.816 / LRV ≈ 41.6%RAL
★ 770-5#b4af9f ΔE = 0.839 / LRV ≈ 42.9%Matthews Paint
★ Pale Bronze Met. / 27916#b7b0a2 ΔE = 0.867 / LRV ≈ 43.7%Sigma
★ Orange Terra / 6324 B#b8b0a1 ΔE = 0.888 / LRV ≈ 43.8%Duron
★ Gray Area#b5ac9d ΔE = 0.897 / LRV ≈ 41.8%Sikkens
★ G0.05.65#b5afa2 ΔE = 0.906 / LRV ≈ 43.1%Chokwang Paint
★ CKB0071#b5ad9c ΔE = 0.909 / LRV ≈ 42.1%British Standard
★ BS 4800 10 A 05 - Grey#b6aea1 ΔE = 0.916 / LRV ≈ 42.8%Abet Laminati
★ Beige Pastello 420#b6aea1 ΔE = 0.916 / LRV ≈ 42.8%#b5ae9f các Ví Dụ Mã HTML / CSS#b5ae9f nền trước
Cái nết tấn công chết cái đẹp.…#b5ae9f nền sau
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#b5ae9f bóng
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Biểu Đồ MàuRGB
Chuyển Đổi không khí MàuThập phân11906719Nhị phân10110101, 10101110, 10011111Thập lục phân#b5ae9f
LRV≈ 42.6%Short hex gần nhất#ba9 ΔE = 3.291RGBrgb(181, 174, 159)RGBArgba(181, 174, 159, 1.0)Adobe RGB (1998)R: 0.69628, G: 0.67642, B: 0.62024 / #b2ac9e ΔE = 0.942rg chromaticityr: 0.352, g: 0.339, b: 0.309RYBred: 66.379%, yellow: 70.98%, blue: 62.353%Android / android.graphics.Color-4870497 / 0xffb5ae9f
HSLhsl(41, 13%, 67%)HSLAhsla(41, 13%, 67%, 1.0)HSV / HSBhue: 41° (40.909), saturation: 12% (0.122), value: 71% (0.71)HSPhue: 40.909, saturation: 12.155%, perceived brightness: 68.431%HSLuv (HUSL)H: 67.841, S: 16.306, L: 71.282Cubehelix
H: 38.903, S: 0.152, L: 0.684TSLT: 2.295, S: 0.026, L: 0.684CMYKcyan: 0% (0.0), magenta: 4% (0.039), yellow: 12% (0.122), key: 29% (0.29)CMYcyan: 29% (0.29), magenta: 32% (0.318), yellow: 38% (0.376)XYZX: 40.45, Y: 42.6, Z: 38.886xy
Yx: 0.332, y: 0.349, Y: 42.6CIELab
L: 71.282, a: -0.124, b: 8.59CIELuv
L: 71.282, u: 5.003, v: 12.284CIELCH / LCHab
L: 71.282, C: 8.591, H: 90.828CIELUV / LCHuv
L: 71.282, C: 13.264, H: 67.841Hunter-Lab
L: 65.268, a: -3.596, b: 10.364CIECAM02J: 62.975, C: 7.524, h: 86.182, Q: 156.349, M: 6.58, s: 20.514, H: 93.803CAM16 JChlightness: 62.828, chroma: 7.146, hue: 92.487CAM16 JMhlightness: 62.828, colorfulness: 6.249, hue: 92.487CAM16 Jshlightness: 62.828, saturation: 20.004, hue: 92.487CAM16 QChperceived brightness: 156.176, chroma: 7.146, hue: 92.487CAM16 QMhperceived brightness: 156.176, colorfulness: 6.249, hue: 92.487CAM16 Qshperceived brightness: 156.176, saturation: 20.004, hue: 92.487CAM16 UCS JMhlightness: 74.183, colorfulness: 5.842, hue: 92.487CAM16 UCS Jablightness: 74.183, a: -0.254, b: 5.837OSA-UCSlightness: -10.042, jaune: 1.226, green: 0.1LMSL: 41.627, M: 44.09, S: 38.941YCb
Y: 165.795, Cb: 120.379, Cr: 132.138YCo
Y: 172.0, Cg: 2.0, Co: 50.75YDb
Y: 174.383, Db: -23.145, Dr: -12.586YPb
Y: 174.411, Pb: -8.305, Pr: 4.19xv
YCCY: 165.788, Cb: 120.705, Cr: 131.681YIQY: 174.383, I: 8.989, Q: -3.187YUVY: 174.383, U: -7.568, V: 5.805Okhslh: 85.955, s: 0.136, l: 0.712Okhsvh: 85.955, s: 0.091, v: 0.735Okhwbh: 85.955, w: 0.668, b: 0.265Oklabl: 0.752, a: 0.002, b: 0.022Oklchl: 0.752, c: 0.022, h: 85.955Jz
Jz: 0.01037, Az: 0.00031, Bz: 0.00215Jz
Jz: 0.01037, Cz: 0.00217, Hz: 81.83514Hệ màu sontuongnha.com★ 5Y 7/15Y 7/1 ΔE = 0.0Màu yêu quý hiệu
Wii ΔE = 11.779Màu Ngẫu Nhiên#1cea41#d4c641#6b7c55#304673#7179ba
#b63734#c15e2d#b7583b#d5b9b8#4c3024Xanh Lá
#2f5a3b#2e663f#badcab#91bf8d#4ed966Xanh Lam
#9097d0#566a9f#2f4793#3e3f63#92a5e5The sontuongnha.com màu sắc system uses a numerical scale to identify color, rather than “traditional naming conventions” which can be easily misinterpreted. The system helps create uniformity in the way a màu sắc is described và differentiated.
Bạn đang xem: Màu sơn 5y7/1
What is “sontuongnha.com Color”?
The sontuongnha.com system is based on the three-dimensions of color, Hue, Value and Chroma. Hue, or the color itself, is indicated by a number & letter, for example, 5R for red. Value, how light or dark the màu sắc is, is indicated by a number, for example 2, which would be a màu sắc darker in value (versus a higher number which would be lighter). Chroma, how weak or strong a color is, is indicated by a number, for example 2, which would be a weak màu sắc (versus a higher number which would be stronger). These three attributes trang điểm the color notation, for example, 5R 2/2, So sontuongnha.com color “names,” are what are referred khổng lồ as notations. These numerical scales can be referenced on the color charts khổng lồ see what the notation, or color, actually looks like.
Xem thêm: Khóa Học Vẽ Tranh Sơn Dầu Từng Bước, Khóa Học Vẽ Sơn Dầu Acrylic
If you aren’t already familiar with the sontuongnha.com system, we recommend taking a few minutes to learn how khổng lồ read these color charts, to lớn better understand what these notations mean.
sontuongnha.com màu sắc Notations
Below is a danh sách of sontuongnha.com màu sắc notations found in the various màu sắc books và charts.
sontuongnha.com NOTATION | PAGE | HUE GROUP |
2.5R 2/2 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 2/4 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 2/6 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 2/8 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 2.5/2 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 3/2 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 3/4 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 3/6 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 3/8 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 3/10 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 4/2 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 4/4 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 4/6 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 4/8 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 4/10 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 4/12 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 4/14 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 5/2 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 5/4 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 5/6 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 5/8 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 5/10 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 5/12 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 5/14 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 6/2 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 6/4 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 6/6 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 6/8 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 6/10 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 6/12 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 7/2 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 7/4 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 7/6 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 7/8 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 7/10 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 8/2 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 8/4 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 8/6 | 2.5R | Red |
2.5R 9/2 | 2.5R | Red |
1.25R 4/12 | 2.5R | Red |
1.25R 4/14 | 2.5R | Red |
1.25R 5/12 | 2.5R | Red |
1.25R 5/14 | 2.5R | Red |
1.25R 6/12 | 2.5R | Red |
5R 2/2 | 5R | Red |
5R 2/4 | 5R | Red |
5R 2/6 | 5R | Red |
5R 2/8 | 5R | Red |
5R 2.5/1 | 5R | Red |
5R 2.5/2 | 5R | Red |
5R 3/1 | 5R | Red |
5R 3/2 | 5R | Red |
5R 3/4 | 5R | Red |
5R 3/6 | 5R | Red |
5R 3/8 | 5R | Red |
5R 3/10 | 5R | Red |
5R 4/1 | 5R | Red |
5R 4/2 | 5R | Red |
5R 4/4 | 5R | Red |
5R 4/6 | 5R | Red |
5R 4/8 | 5R | Red |
5R 4/10 | 5R | Red |
5R 4/12 | 5R | Red |
5R 4/14 | 5R | Red |
5R 5/1 | 5R | Red |
5R 5/2 | 5R | Red |
5R 5/4 | 5R | Red |
5R 5/6 | 5R | Red |
5R 5/8 | 5R | Red |
5R 5/10 | 5R | Red |
5R 5/12 | 5R | Red |
5R 5/14 | 5R | Red |
5R 6/1 | 5R | Red |
5R 6/2 | 5R | Red |
5R 6/4 | 5R | Red |
5R 6/6 | 5R | Red |
5R 6/8 | 5R | Red |
5R 6/10 | 5R | Red |
5R 6/12 | 5R | Red |
5R 6/14 | 5R | Red |
5R 7/1 | 5R | Red |
5R 7/2 | 5R | Red |
5R 7/4 | 5R | Red |
5R 7/6 | 5R | Red |
5R 7/8 | 5R | Red |
5R 7/10 | 5R | Red |
5R 8/1 | 5R | Red |
5R 8/2 | 5R | Red |
5R 8/4 | 5R | Red |
5R 8/6 | 5R | Red |
5R 9/1 | 5R | Red |
5R 9/2 | 5R | Red |
7.5R 2/2 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 2/4 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 2/6 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 2./8 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 2.5/2 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 3/2 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 3/4 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 3/6 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 3/8 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 3/10 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 3/12 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 4/2 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 4/4 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 4/6 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 4/8 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 4/10 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 4/12 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 4/14 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 4/16 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 5/2 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 5/4 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 5/6 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 5/8 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 5/10 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 5/12 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 6/2 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 6/4 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 6/6 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 6/8 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 6/10 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 6/12 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 7/2 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 7/4 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 7/6 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 7/8 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 7/10 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 8/2 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 8/4 | 7.5R | Red |
7.5R 9/2 | 7.5R | Red |
6.25R 3/12 | 7.5R | Red |
6.25R 4/12 | 7.5R | Red |
6.25R 4/14 | 7.5R | Red |
6.25R 5/12 | 7.5R | Red |
6.25R 5/14 | 7.5R | Red |
6.25R 6/12 | 7.5R | Red |
10R 2/2 | 10R | Red |
10R 2/4 | 10R | Red |
10R 2/6 | 10R | Red |
10R 2.5/1 | 10R | Red |
10R 2.5/2 | 10R | Red |
10R 3/1 | 10R | Red |
10R 3/2 | 10R | Red |
10R 3/4 | 10R | Red |
10R 3/6 | 10R | Red |
10R 3/8 | 10R | Red |
10R 3/10 | 10R | Red |
10R 4/1 | 10R | Red |
10R 4/2 | 10R | Red |
10R 4/4 | 10R | Red |
10R 4/6 | 10R | Red |
10R 4/8 | 10R | Red |
10R 4/10 | 10R | Red |
10R 4/12 | 10R | Red |
10R 5/1 | 10R | Red |
10R 5/2 | 10R | Red |
10R 5/4 | 10R | Red |
10R 5/6 | 10R | Red |
10R 5/8 | 10R | Red |
10R 5/10 | 10R | Red |
10R 5/12 | 10R | Red |
10R 5/14 | 10R | Red |
10R 5/16 | 10R | Red |
10R 6/1 | 10R | Red |
10R 6/2 | 10R | Red |
10R 6/4 | 10R | Red |
10R 6/6 | 10R | Red |
10R 6/8 | 10R | Red |
10R 6/10 | 10R | Red |
10R 6/12 | 10R | Red |
10R 6/14 | 10R | Red |
10R 7/1 | 10R | Red |
10R 7/2 | 10R | Red |
10R 7/4 | 10R | Red |
10R 7/6 | 10R | Red |
10R 7/8 | 10R | Red |
10R 7/10 | 10R | Red |
10R 7/12 | 10R | Red |
10R 8/1 | 10R | Red |
10R 8/2 | 10R | Red |
10R 8/4 | 10R | Red |
10R 8/6 | 10R | Red |
10R 8/8 | 10R | Red |
10R 9/1 | 10R | Red |
10R 9/2 | 10R | Red |
8.75R 4/12 | 10R | Red |
8.75R 4/14 | 10R | Red |
8.75R 5/12 | 10R | Red |
8.75R 5/14 | 10R | Red |
8.75R 5/16 | 10R | Red |
8.75R 6/12 | 10R | Red |
8.75R 6/14 | 10R | Red |
2.5YR 2/2 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 2/4 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR2.5/2 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 3/2 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 3/4 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 3/6 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 3/8 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 4/2 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 4/4 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 4/6 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 4/8 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 4/10 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5 YR 5/2 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 5/4 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 5/6 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 5/8 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 5/10 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 5/12 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 5/14 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 6/2 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 6/4 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 6/6 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 6/8 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 6/10 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 6/12 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 6/14 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 6/16 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 7/2 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 7/4 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 7/6 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 7/8 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 7/10 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 7/12 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 8/2 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 8/4 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 8/6 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 8/8 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5YR 9/2 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
1.25YR 4/12 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
1.25YR 5/12 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
1.25YR 6/12 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
1.25YR 6/14 | 2.5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 2/2 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 2/4 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 2.5/1 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 3/1 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 3/2 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 3/4 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 3/6 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 4/1 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 4/2 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 4/4 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 4/6 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 4/8 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 5/1 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 5/2 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 5/4 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 5/6 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 5/8 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 5/10 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 5/12 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 6/1 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 6/2 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 6/4 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 6/6 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 6/8 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 6/10 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 6/12 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 6/14 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 7/1 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 7/2 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 7/4 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 7/6 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 7/8 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 7/10 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 7/12 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 7/14 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 8/1 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 8/2 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 8/4 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 8/6 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 8/8 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 9/1 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 9/2 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
5YR 9/4 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
3.75YR 5/12 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
3.75YR 6/12 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
3.75YR 6/14 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
3.75YR7/12 | 5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 2/2 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 2/4 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 3/2 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 3/4 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 3/6 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 4/2 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 4/4 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 4/6 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 4/8 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 5/2 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 5/4 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 5/6 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 5/8 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 5/10 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 6/2 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 6/4 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 6/6 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 6/8 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 6/10 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 6/12 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 6/14 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 7/2 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 7/4 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.YR 7/6 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 7/8 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 7/10 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 7/12 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 7/14 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 7/16 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 8/2 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 8/4 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 8/6 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 8/8 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 8/10 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 9/2 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
7.5YR 9/4 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
6.25YR 6/12 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
6.25YR 7/12 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
6.25YR 7/14 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
6.25YR 7/16 | 7.5YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 2/2 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 2.5/1 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 3/1 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 3/2 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 3/4 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 3/6 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 4/1 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 4/2 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 4/4 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 4/6 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 4/8 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 5/1 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 5/2 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 5/4 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 5/6 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 5/8 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 5/10 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 6/1 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 6/2 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 6/4 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 6/6 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 6/8 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 6/10 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 6/12 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 7/1 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 7/2 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 7/4 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 7/6 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 7/8 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 7/10 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 7/12 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 7/14 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 8/1 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 8/2 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 8/4 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 8/6 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 8/8 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 8/10 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 8/12 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 10/14 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 9/1 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 9/2 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
10YR 9/4 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
8.75YR 6/12 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
8.75YR 7/12 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
8.75YR 7/14 | 10YR | Yellow-Red |
2.5Y 2/2 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 3/2 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 4/2 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 4/4 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 4/6 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 5/2 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 5/4 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 5/6 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 5/8 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 6/2 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 6/4 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 6/6 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 6/8 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 6/10 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 7/2 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 7/4 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 7/6 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 7/8 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 7/10 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 7/12 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8/2 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8/4 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8/6 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8/8 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8/10 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8/12 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8/14 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8.5/2 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8.5/4 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8.5/6 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8.5/8 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8.5/10 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 8.5/12 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 9/2 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 9/4 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
2.5Y 9/6 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
1.25Y 6/12 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
1.25Y 7/12 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
1.25Y 7/14 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
1.25Y 8/12 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
1.25Y 8/14 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
1.25Y 8/16 | 2.5Y | Yellow |
5Y 2/2 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 2.5/1 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 3/1 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 3/2 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 3/4 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 4/1 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 4/2 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 4/4 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 4/6 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 5/1 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 5/2 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 5/4 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 5/6 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 5/8 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 6/1 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 6/2 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 6/4 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 6/6 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 6/8 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 6/10 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 7/1 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 7/2 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 7/4 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 7/6 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 7/8 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 7/10 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 7/12 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8/1 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8/2 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8/4 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8/6 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8/8 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8/10 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8/12 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8/14 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8.5/1 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8.5/2 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8.5/4 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8.5/6 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8.5/8 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8.5/10 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8.5/12 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 8.5/14 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 9/1 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 9/2 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 9/4 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 9/6 | 5Y | Yellow |
5Y 9/8 | 5Y | Yellow |
3.75Y 7/12 | 5Y | Yellow |
3.75Y 8/12 | 5Y | Yellow |
3.75Y 8/14 | 5Y | Yellow |
3.75Y 8.5/12 | 5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 2/2 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 3/2 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 3/4 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 4/2 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 4/4 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 4/6 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 5/2 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 5/4 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 5/6 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 5/8 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 6/2 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 6/4 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 6/6 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 6/8 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 6/10 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 7/2 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 7/4 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 7/6 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 7/8 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 7/10 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 7/12 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8/2 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8/4 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8/6 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8/8 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8/10 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8/12 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8.5/2 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8.5/4 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8.5/6 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8.5/8 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8.5/10 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 8.5/12 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 9/2 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 9/4 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 9/6 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 9/8 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
7.5Y 9/10 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
6.25Y 7/12 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
6.25Y 8/12 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
6.25Y 8.5/12 | 7.5Y | Yellow |
10Y 2/2 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 2.5/1 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 3/1 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 3/2 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 3/4 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 4/1 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 4/2 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 4/4 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 4/6 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 5/1 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 5/2 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 5/4 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 5/6 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 5/8 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 6/1 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 6/2 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 6/4 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 6/6 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 6/8 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 6/10 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 7/1 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 7/2 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 7/4 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 7/6 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 7/8 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 7/10 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 7/12 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8/1 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8/2 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8/4 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8/6 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8/8 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8/10 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8/12 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8.5/1 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8.5/2 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8.5/4 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8.5/6 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8.5/8 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8.5/10 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 8.5/12 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 9/1 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 9/2 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 9/4 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 9/6 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 9/8 | 10Y | Yellow |
10Y 9/10 | 10Y | Yellow |
8.75Y 7/12 | 10Y | Yellow |
8.75Y 8/12 | 10Y | Yellow |
8.75Y 8.5/12 | 10Y | Yellow |
2.5GY 2/2 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 3/2 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 3/4 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 4/2 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 4/4 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 4/6 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 5/2 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 5/4 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 5/6 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 5/8 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 6/2 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 6/4 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 6/6 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 6/8 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 6/10 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 7/2 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 7/4 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 7/6 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 7/8 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 7/10 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 7/12 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 8/2 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 8/4 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 8/6 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 8/8 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 8/10 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 8.5/2 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 8.5/4 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 8.5/6 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 8.5/8 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 8.5/10 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 8.5/12 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 9/2 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 9/4 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 9/6 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5GY 9/8 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
1.25GY 8/12 | 2.5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 2/2 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 2.5/1 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 3/1 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 3/2 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 3/4 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 3/6 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 4/1 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 4/2 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 4/4 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 4/6 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 4/8 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 5/1 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 5/2 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 5/4 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 5/6 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 5/8 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 5/10 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 6/1 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 6/2 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 6/4 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 6/6 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 6/8 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 6/10 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 7/1 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 7/2 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 7/4 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 7/6 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 7/8 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 7/10 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 7/12 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8/1 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8/2 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8/4 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8/6 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8/8 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8/10 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8.5/1 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8.5/2 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8.5/4 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8.5/6 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8.5/8 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 8.5/10 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 9/1 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 9/2 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 9/4 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
5GY 9/6 | 5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 2/2 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 2/4 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 3/2 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 3/4 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 3/6 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 4/2 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 4/4 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 4/6 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 4/8 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 5/2 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 5/4 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 5/6 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 5/8 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 5/10 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 6/2 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 6/4 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 6/6 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 6/8 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 6/10 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 6/12 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 7/2 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 7/4 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 7/6 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 7/8 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 7/10 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 8/2 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 8/4 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 8/6 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 8/8 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 8/10 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY8.5/2 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY8.5/4 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY8.5/6 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 9/2 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
7.5GY 9/4 | 7.5GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 2/2 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 2/4 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 2.5/1 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 2.5/2 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 3/1 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 3/2 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 3/4 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 3/6 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 4/1 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 4/2 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 4/4 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 4/6 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 4/8 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 5/1 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 5/2 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 5/4 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 5/6 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 5/8 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 5/10 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 5/12 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 6/1 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 6/2 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 6/4 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 6/6 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 6/8 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 6/10 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 6/12 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 7/1 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 7/2 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 7/4 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 7/6 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 7/8 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 7/10 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 8/1 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 8/2 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 8/4 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 8/6 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 8/8 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY8.5/1 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY8.5/2 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY8.5/4 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY8.5/6 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 9/1 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 9/2 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
10GY 9/4 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
8.75GY 6/12 | 10GY | Green-Yellow |
2.5G 2/2 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 2/4 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 2.5/2 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 3/2 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 3/4 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 3/6 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 3/8 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 4/2 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 4/4 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 4/6 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 4/8 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 4/10 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 5/2 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 5/4 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 5/6 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 5/8 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 5/10 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 5/12 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 6/2 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 6/4 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 6/6 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 6/8 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 6/10 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 6/12 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 7/2 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 7/4 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 7/6 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 7/8 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 7/10 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 8/2 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 8/4 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 8/6 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 8/8 | 2.5G | Green |
2.5G 9/2 | 2.5G | Green |
1.25G 5/12 | 2.5G | Green |
1.25G 6/12 | 2.5G | Green |
5G 2/2 | 5G | Green |
5G 2/4 | 5G | Green |
5G 2/6 | 5G | Green |
5G 2.5/1 | 5G | Green |
5G 2.5/2 | 5G | Green |
5G 3/1 | 5G | Green |
5G 3/2 | 5G | Green |
5G 3/4 | 5G | Green |
5G 3/6 | 5G | Green |
5G 3/8 | 5G | Green |
5G 4/1 | 5G | Green |
5G 4/2 | 5G | Green |
5G 4/4 | 5G | Green |
5G 4/6 | 5G | Green |
5G 4/8 | 5G | Green |
5G 4/10 | 5G | Green |
5G 5/1 | 5G | Green |
5G 5/2 | 5G | Green |
5G 5/4 | 5G | Green |
5G 5/6 | 5G | Green |
5G 5/8 | 5G | Green |
5G 5/10 | 5G | Green |
5G 6/1 | 5G | Green |
5G 6/2 | 5G | Green |
5G 6/4 | 5G | Green |
5G 6/6 | 5G | Green |
5G 6/8 | 5G | Green |
5G 6/10 | 5G | Green |
5G 7/1 | 5G | Green |
5G 7/2 | 5G | Green |
5G 7/4 | 5G | Green |
5G 7/6 | 5G | Green |
5G 7/8 | 5G | Green |
5G 7/10 | 5G | Green |
5G 8/1 | 5G | Green |
5G 8/2 | 5G | Green |
5G 8/4 | 5G | Green |
5G 8/6 | 5G | Green |
5G 9/1 | 5G | Green |
5G 9/2 | 5G | Green |
7.5G 2/2 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 2/4 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 2/6 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 2.5/2 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 3/2 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 3/4 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 3/6 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 3/8 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 4/2 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 4/4 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 4/6 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 4/8 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 4/10 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 5/2 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 5/4 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 5/6 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 5/8 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 5/10 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 6/2 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 6/4 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 6/6 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 6/8 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 6/10 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 7/2 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 7/4 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 7/6 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 7/8 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 7/10 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 8/2 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 8/4 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 8/6 | 7.5G | Green |
7.5G 9/2 | 7.5G | Green |
10G 2/2 | 10G | Green |
10G 2/4 | 10G | Green |
10G 2/6 | 10G | Green |
10G 2.5/1 | 10G | Green |
10G 2.5/2 | 10G | Green |
10G 3/1 | 10G | Green |
10G 3/2 | 10G | Green |
10G 3/4 | 10G | Green |
10G 3/6 | 10G | Green |
10G 3/8 | 10G | Green |
10G 4/1 | 10G | Green |
10G 4/2 | 10G | Green |
10G 4/4 | 10G | Green |
10G 4/6 | 10G | Green |
10G 4/8 | 10G | Green |
10G 4/10 | 10G | Green |
10G 5/1 | 10G | Green |
10G 5/2 | 10G | Green |
10G 5/4 | 10G | Green |
10G 5/6 | 10G | Green |
10G 5/8 | 10G | Green |
10G 5/10 | 10G | Green |
10G 6/1 | 10G | Green |
10G 6/2 | 10G | Green |
10G 6/4 | 10G | Green |
10G 6/6 | 10G | Green |
10G 6/8 | 10G | Green |
10G 6/10 | 10G | Green |
10G 7/1 | 10G | Green |
10G 7/2 | 10G | Green |
10G 7/4 | 10G | Green |
10G 7/6 | 10G | Green |
10G 7/8 | 10G | Green |
10G 8/1 | 10G | Green |
10G 8/2 | 10G | Green |
10G 8/4 | 10G | Green |
10G 8/6 | 10G | Green |
10G 9/1 | 10G | Green |
10G 9/2 | 10G | Green |
2.5BG 2/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 2/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 2/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 2.5/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 3/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 3/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 3/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 3/8 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 4/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 4/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 4/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 4/8 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 5/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 5/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 5/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 5/8 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 5/10 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 6/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 6/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2/5BG 6/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 6/8 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 6/10 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 7/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 7/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 7/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 7/8 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 8/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 8/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 8/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
2.5BG 9/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 2/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 2/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 2/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 2.5/1 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 2.5/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 3/1 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 3/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 3/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 3/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 3/8 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 4/1 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 4/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 4/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 4/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 4/8 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 5/1 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 5/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 5/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 5/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 5/8 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 5/10 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 6/1 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 6/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 6/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 6/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 6/8 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 6/10 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 7/1 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 7/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 7/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 7/6 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 7/8 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 8/1 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 8/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 8/4 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 9/1 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
5BG 9/2 | 2.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 2/2 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 2/4 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 2/6 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 2.5/2 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 3/2 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 3/4 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 3/6 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 3/8 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 4/2 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 4/4 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 4/6 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 4/8 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 5/2 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 5/4 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 5/6 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 5/8 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 5/10 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 6/2 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 6/4 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 6/6 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 6/8 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 7/2 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 7/4 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 7/6 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 7/8 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 8/2 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 8/4 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
7.5BG 9/2 | 7.5BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 2/2 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 2/4 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 10/6 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 2.5/1 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 2.5/2 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 3/1 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 3/2 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 3/4 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 3/6 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 3/8 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 4/1 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 4/2 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 4/4 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 4/6 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 4/8 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 5/1 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 5/2 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 5/4 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 5/6 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 5/8 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 5/10 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 6/1 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 6/2 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 6/4 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 6/6 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 6/8 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 7/1 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 7/2 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 7/4 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 7/6 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 7/8 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 8/1 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 8/2 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 8/4 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 9/1 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
10BG 9/2 | 10BG | Blue-Green |
2.5B 2/2 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 2/4 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 2/6 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 2.5/2 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 3/2 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 3/4 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 3/6 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 3/8 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 4/2 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 4/4 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 4/6 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 4/8 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 5/2 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 5/4 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 5/6 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 5/8 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 5/10 | 2.5B | Blue |
2.5B 6/2 | 2.5B | Blue |